Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 62--Baptisms and Learning Folk Music

 This week we had two baptisms with sisters Belle and Lizzie. They're 8 and 9, and very sweet girls who took a very important step.   

   We've been working with them and also we've been focusing a lot on tracting lately as well as some service.
Inline image 2
Service can be dirty work.

Overall we've seen good things come of it. We found one guy who was very nice to us. We were deep in the boonies and we went up to a random house on our way to an appointment 30 minutes away, and they were outside so I walked up with my companion and I said, "Hey there! We're talking about Jesus Christ with anyone who will listen." The father of the family says from across his yard, "well come on, I'm listening." So for about 45 minutes we talked about Him and his Atonement and I shared Helaman 3 where it talks about the mercy of the Lord and about the scriptures.
   We met with our friend Mojo again and we read from the Book of Mormon with him, he enjoys it and so do we.
   The last two Mondays we've gone to a place called McClurg where they play music and have food, so I've joined in and played with them while my companion Elder Sundberg would talk the Gospel with people. I love being able to use my talents given to me as a way to serve.

  It's been a pretty great week, I'm staying in Ava, and my companion, Elder Sundberg is staying with me so I'm happy.   

   We were talking with a family this week who who are going through a hard time due to the choices of a friend who is not very stable at the moment, and could be nearing the end of her mortal life. This scripture is a comfort in situations like these, when we are being tested in our faithfulness and our patience.
Alma 36:3  “Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.”

I know this to be true. 

Loves, Elder Rodgers

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